But my maid of honer ,D came by last week to get her nails done again, she went to canada and brought me back Gosh polish so that makes her the coolest..lol Anyway I used one of the polishes she brought me as her main color it's called purple heart and it's got more duo chromes then a Christmas store.. I swear in diff light it looks like any one of like 8 colors. But true to its Purple name it photographed mostly purple.

I stamped her nails with one of my BM(Bundle Monster) plates with China Glaze GR8 polish, a pretty yellow holo.

She's a hard workin hands on girl so her cuticles and fingers are pretty tore up as you can see but im gonna keep treating um til I bring them back to a soft splendor. We have been growing her nails for my wedding and she started with nano nubs so I think shes coming along really well.

It was seriously hard to capture this mani in pics.. Overall not original but I still really dug it.
Ok this short post is turning long.. so that's all for today
thanks for reading
Yep, we Canadians have the luxury of Gosh nail polish. Wish they come out with more though :) Purple Heart is a winner for sure
ReplyDelete@Halifax Yep Im pretty in love with Gosh at the moment..But I noticed they didnt have a huge line of NP like alot of other companies.. so fingers crossed that they will bring more out soon :)